北航 Explore the Materials——From an Atom to a Device 走进材料——从原子到器件|当前热讯
来源:哔哩哔哩     时间:2023-05-26 11:03:03


Chapter 1 Materials and Devices: An Introduction

2023年5月26日 仅供学习交流


1. 单选(2分)

‎The basic unit of materials is_____, which can bond directly together to form materials, or convert into ions, or assemble into molecules. 

A. nucleus

B. electron

C. proton 

D. atom

2. 单选(2分)

‎Crystalline structure is a description of the ordered arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules in a crystalline material. We often use ____to illustrate the 3D structure, which is an array of 'small boxes' infinitely repeating in three spatial directions.

‏A. unit cell

B. crystal lattice

C. grain

D. cuboid

3. 单选(2分)

‏Atoms could be bonded in different patterns, we call them chemical bonds. The three main types of chemical bonds are metallic, ionic and ______bonds. 

‌A. atomic

B. covalent

C. covalence

D. molecular

4. 多选(3分)

‏According to chemical composition, materials are usually classified as metals, __________, polymers and _________. 

‏A. alloys

B. ceramics

C. inorganic

D. composites

5. 填空(2分)

The sequence of different scales is macro, mini, meso, ______, nano and atomic.


6. 判断(2分)

Atoms are made from even smaller particles. They are Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.


7. 单选(2分)

According to the dominant material used by human being, the early development of mankind can be named as the Stone Age, the Copper age, the Bronze Age and the _____ age.

‍A. Polymer

B. Iron

C. Steel

D. Silicon





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